How long has the SOLEcial Studies CommUNITY Academy (SSCA) been around?

The SSCA recently opened in July of 2023 in the DUMBO section of Brooklyn, New York City. We're very easy to get to by diverse means of transportation. It's even possible to walk over a bridge to get here ;)

Who can take SOLEcial Studies classes?

The ideal age range for students to get the most out of the course and related post course benefits is 14 years old and up.

FUN FACT: The ELDEST student we've ever taught was 62 years old.

Does the SSCA offer other types of courses?

Absolutely we do! In addition to our sneaker industry education program, we offer courses related to IP (Intellectual Property) and masterclasses taught by some of the most recognized and respected people in the sneaker, music, and sports industries.

What kind of course teaching methods are available?

We offer in-person, online, and hybrid learning options for most of our courses. Those options may vary from course to course.

What is the best way to find out when new courses are available?

Great question! There's a COURSES tab on the top of the SSCA home page that will provide the most up to date information about the latest course offerings and exactly how to apply.

How do I contact the SSCA if my question was not answered here?

Send us an email to or use the "CONTACT" link at the top of the page.